


Design for all一直是浩漢設計對作品的期許,浩漢以萬用手冊思考,發掘更符合人性的使用設計。


為了便利,簡易操作是第一要務,將左右旋轉的使用模式,導入多孔夾具的開闔結構,只需往右輕轉上端旋鈕,夾具便慢慢平行打開,置放入紙張,再往左輕轉旋鈕,夾具就會根據你的操作速度慢慢關合,簡單又安全,開合速度完全自我掌控, ,完全消除了舊式夾具因過強回彈夾力而產生的危險性。

外觀設計部份,極簡單純的設計,以深色皮紋搭配出低調質感,裡外同色搭配全新的夾具設計,讓充滿手感的手冊多了結構的美感,也期待以此更落實Design for all的最初理念。

The Change About multi-purpose ring binder is equipped with an easily controllable opening and closing mechanism.

The special key, which is attached to it with a ribbon, for this purpose simply needs to be inserted into the slot at the ring binding bar and turned.

The rings will then open or close smoothly and securely. A snapping shut suddenly is thereby prevented.
The Change About ring binder is production feasibility which evaluated by suppler.

The Change About ring binder is user orientation design to prevent the injury.

The binder is user-friendly and high-quality appearance.