
In respond to industrial automation trend, TECO has invented meal delivering and plate recycling robots based on its own AGV(Automated Guided Vehicle). The Formosan black bear-liked appearance of plate recycling robots increase much pleasure of user experience when interacting with customers, which also build up a whole new ideation for catering industry since MOS robot has been made.


TECO combined new technology with product design value to create this approachable MOS mascot “Mo San”. Nova Design put our effort on transforming Mo San from 2D layout to 3D model, which is quite challenging to designers‘ imagination and practical ability. Mo San will show up occasionally to deliver meals for customers at MOS shops, which perfectly shorten distance between customers and enterprise.

※榮獲 2019台灣精品獎

※ 2019 Taiwan Excellence Award


Client: TECO Electric & Machinery Co., Ltd.
Design: Nova Design